Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

5 months

andy just turned 5 months. her day started with an early morning visit to the pedia. she got her second set of shots. this time i was there, and i almost cried when she cried. :( in the evening, she had slight fever but was gone the following morning.

moving on to the good news, andy's major development this month is rolling over from back to tummy (started around a week after she turned 4 months). she could also roll over from tummy to back (with a little bit of persuasion :D).

andy seems to be the quiet type in the family but she has nicest smile :) she doesn't like to babble so much but sometimes, we catch her smiling at us when we're not really looking.

weight: 6.372 kg
height: 66 cm
head c.: 41 cm
chest c.: 42 cm